Easy Way How to get pregnant fast


Maybe you visited my site this after reading the information in the tabloids, newspapers, via the link up, via Twitter, via Youtube, passing information from friends and family, or perhaps through one of thousands of sites in Google's health has recommended me to your site.

Why are these media recommend my site?

Since I have helped thousands of couples who have difficulty getting to the offspring PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT FAST that has proven successful in increasing chances of pregnancy.

"You only have a chance pregnant 12 times a year. Use the opportunity to program EFFICIENT pregnant."

Focus yourself to resolve this problem as soon as possible. Due to increasing age, your chances of getting pregnant getting smaller.

Start trying to maximum.

Now is the time.

PREGNANT FAST PACK is a package that contains all of the needs of programs supporting pregnant. PACKAGE FAST PREGNANT I launch since August 2011 and until now has been successfully helped THOUSANDS of couples who have been waiting for a baby as you are experiencing now.


PREGNANT FAST PACK is the solution to fertility problems consisting of several elements:

- 30 tablets Folic Acid
- Book Best Seller "The Complete Guide Quick Ways Pregnant"
- Two Tools Pregnancy Tests
- Complete List of fertility clinics across Indonesia, and
- Private Consultation

Why was made in the form of a package?

Because each of these elements must be mutually supportive in order to maximize the program you are pregnant.

For example, if you only drink Folic Acid without reading pregnant tips from guidebooks and practice it everyday, then your efforts will not be maximized. Or example, you read a book and drink Folic Acid but no direct guidance of doctors through private consultations, then the program will not be maximized pregnant.

That's why everything is merged in PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE. The goal is clear: to optimize your pregnant programs to be efficient, maximum and succeed.


Below is a full SMS happiness of couples who conceive after undergoing pregnant with PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE

I wait for SMS and similar emails from you. Amen ...
SMS from:
Mrs. Evi Noviani (Majalengka, West Java)

Successfully Pregnant In Time 1 Month


- PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT FAST received Ms. Evi date: January 14, 2014

- SMS above sent Mrs. Evi date: March 15, 2014 (positive pregnant After 5 weeks)

Mrs. Evi Noviani Positive Pregnant In Time 1 Month

Email from:
Mr. Amansius (Serawai, West Kalimantan)

Successful in-law Pregnant
In Time 1 Month


- PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT FAST received on: December 13, 2012

- Email the above posted date: March 18, 2013 (positive pregnant After 8 Weeks)

-Law of Mr. Amansius Positive Pregnant In Time 1 Month

SMS from:
Mrs. Rev. Purwaningsih (Yogyakarta)

Successfully Pregnant In 3 Months


- PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT FAST received Mrs. Rev. date: 24 September 2013

- SMS over Mother sent Rev. date: January 18, 2014 (positive pregnant After 5 weeks)

Mother Revelation Purwaningsih Positive Pregnant In 3 Months

Email from:
Mrs. Widya Arlini (Medan, North Sumatra)

Successfully 5 Months Pregnant In Time


- PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT FAST received Mrs. Widya date: March 13, 2012

- Email the above sent Mrs. Widya date: May 14, 2013 (positive pregnant After 32 Sunday)

Mrs. Widya Arlini Positive 5 Months Pregnant In Time




"You need Folic Acid, which is a supplement that strengthens the egg wife and improving the quality / quantity of sperm."

Female egg cells deteriorate with age, it is necessary to supplement Folic Acid to help improve the quality of your egg cells. For husbands, Folic Acid will help raise the volume / quantity of sperm and also improve the quality of sperm. You get it in this PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE.

Folic Acid, also known as folate, folacin or vitamin B9 Folic Acid is that help strengthen the egg.

Folic Acid NOT fertility drugs. Folic Acid supplementation with vitamin contains certain medical help improve the chances of pregnancy. Folic Acid is safe for consumption. Folic Acid is recommended even still drunk when it entered a period of pregnancy.

Vitamin B9 Folic Acid which has many benefits for fertility. Benefits for the wife and also benefits to the husband.

Folic Acid can be obtained from foods such as: green vegetables (spinach nicest), broccoli, asparagus, avocado, sprouts, nuts, cereals, and wheat. But for pregnant program, still need to be assisted with Folic Acid supplements, so the levels are insufficient to support a pregnancy.

Benefits of Folic Acid For Wife

For the wife, Folic Acid helps increase the chances of pregnancy by strengthening the egg.

There have been many cases occurred in the community that is when the wife and the husband declared healthy by a doctor but never succeeded in running the program are pregnant. In such cases, factors greatly affect the quality of the egg.

Folic Acid also has a special advantage once. That does not just increase the chances of pregnancy, but also highly recommended for pregnant women consumed to prevent defects baby.

Benefits of Folic Acid For Husband

In March 2002, an outcome research conducted in Nijmegen, the Netherlands pointed to the fact that men taking Folic Acid managed to increase sperm volume by 74%.

With increasing sperm volume, automated certainly increase chances of pregnancy.

Not only the volume / quantity of sperm alone. Still based on the same study, the researchers found that Folic Acid can improve sperm quality by reducing the number of abnormal sperm to amount to approximately 4% only.

Sperm quality is very important for the process of egg fertilization. Poor sperm quality will be difficult to fertilize the egg. Although the sperm can fertilize, it is feared could lead to defects in the baby and other diseases such as Down Syndrome baby.

But only by taking Folic Acid is not enough, you need to follow certain tips. All the tips you need I have written in a guidebook.


"This book will explain to you and your husband: why you have not managed to get pregnant but already tried various ways"

Complete Guide Book Pregnant Fast How I wrote in 2011 and has entered the mold to 15. The 300-page book contains, among others:

- What should you eat and drink in order to get pregnant
- How to calculate the fertile period
- Sex positions that how hamilnya greater opportunities
- How to get pregnant for women who are overweight (obese)
- How to overcome the problem of irregular menstruation
- The types of checks you can do yourself
- How to assess fertility (fertility both wife and husband fertility)
- What are the restrictions for wife
- What are the restrictions for husband
- And many more tips that you can practice.

This is the most complete guide to infertility problems. 300-page book is devoted to the solution to your problems.

You definitely know dr. Boyke as sexology experts and celebrities who frequently appears on television. The following comments dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha, SpOG, MARS on my book delivered via email on October 16, 2012:

Please watch my video interview below. In this video I discuss about tips on how to get pregnant fast and on my book.

Click the play button to play the video.


"In the course of pregnant you need a pregnancy test the best with the most accurate results"

Often mothers want to buy a pregnancy test but because of busy then deferred. To prevent this, the book that you buy will I include 2 pregnancy tests that you can immediately use.

For how to use them, please read the full description on the packaging.


"Interested to try fertility treatment? I provide a complete list of the best fertility clinics in Indonesia"

You do not need to bother to look for information in which infertility clinics (fertility) the best there is in various parts of Indonesia. You'll get's in PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE.

Complete address and phone number I include. I do not cooperate with these clinics, I just try to provide more information to help you get pregnant.


"You need a private consultation to resolve any complaints and problems during our program you pregnant"

I provide a direct consultation so that you can directly ask me if there is discussion in the book that you feel is less clear. You will get 3 sessions free consultation via email.

Why am I giving this consultation?

Because through direct consultation, I can help you with more optimal. I need to know your situation and your husband to be more specific in order to provide the best solution for you.


I give a 20% discount coupon bonus shop at www.Zalora.co.id.
Zalora is the largest fashion online store in Indonesia. An honor to be working with Zalora to provide the discount coupon bonus PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT FAST.



    Hasya star Siddiq

    Born 14 July 2014

    Son of Mrs. Solekhah Misgianti in Kuningan West Java

    Mother Solekhah book PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE October 4th, 2013.

    Renzi Son Andini

    Born 1 November 2013

    Son of Mrs. Apriyani, S. Pd in Depok

    Mother Apriyani book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated January 12, 2013.

    Grania Abina Witanugraha

    Born 20 April 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Christian Nugrahandita in Central Jakarta

    Mrs. Christian book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated May 6, 2013.

    Alfian Athallah Yahya

    Born February 23, 2014

    Son of Mrs. Emi Farlina in South Jakarta

    Mrs. Emi book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated May 22, 2013.

    Alfin Grace Ramadan

    Born 13 July 2014

    Son of Mr. Tri Paryudi in Yogyakarta

    Mr. Tri book PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE November 28th, 2013.

    Latifa Kartika

    Born January 30, 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Bhakti Kartika in Bekasi

    Mrs. Bhakti book PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE April 17th, 2013.

    Keyra Arsyifa Annur Riani

    Born May 2, 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Rini Siskawati in Bekasi

    Mrs. Rini book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated January 26, 2013.

    Yorel and Yosel

    Born July 1, 2013

    Son of Mrs. Regina Clara Sembiring in Bekasi

    Mrs. Regina ordered PACKAGE FAST PREGNANT dated October 24, 2012.

    Abdurrahman Haafiz

    Born 29 April 2014

    Son of Mrs. Rina Tri Sulistyoningsih in Surabaya

    Mrs. Rina book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated December 10, 2012.

    Aisha Aqilah Judge

    Born January 23, 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Enggusti Novisa Alverea in East Jakarta

    Mother Enggusti book PREGNANT FAST PACK of 10 April, 2013.

    Aqila Mumtaza Dilia Assyifa

    Born May 4, 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Awalia Murtiana in East Jakarta

    Mother Awalia book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated October 7, 2013.

    Amira Nofaliza Manan

    Born February 4, 2014

    Daughter of Ms. Kartika Noviyanti in Sidoarjo

    Mrs. Tika book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated May 18, 2013.

    Meyra Ayatul Husna

    Born May 14, 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Astuti in South Jakarta

    Mother Astuti book PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE dated May 17, 2013.

    Nadil Khairil Ahmad

    Birth 8 November 2013

    Son of Mrs. Khairani in Kampar, Riau.

    Mother Khairani book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated October 12, 2012.

    Aisha Khansa Nurhamidin

    Born July 1, 2013

    Daughter of Mrs. Fanny Y. Ardjaja in Manado

    Mrs. Fanny ordered PACKAGE FAST PREGNANT dated October 10, 2012.

    Dheanka Adzra Dilara

    Born June 10, 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Deasy Kurniasari in South Jakarta

    Mrs. Deasy ordered PACKAGE FAST PREGNANT dated January 2, 2013.

    Alfareza Mustafa

    Born 12 August 2014

    Son of Mrs. Mufliha in Probolinggo

    Mother Mufliha book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated October 16, 2013.

    Jihan Adelita Aydin

    Born 29 April 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Early Muji Lestari in Malang

    Mrs. Early ordering FAST PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated July 18, 2013.

    Vania Almira Izzatunnisa

    Born 1 September 2013

    Daughter of Mrs. Wida Purwaningsih in Jambi

    Mrs. Wida book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated August 2, 2012.

    Alif Muhammad Rifat Al Patih

    Born 27 November 2013

    Son of Mrs. Eva Miftahul Jannah in Bekasi

    Mrs. Eva ordered PACKAGE FAST PREGNANT dated January 17, 2013.

    Azalea Syaqilla Fitr

    Born March 19, 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Putranti Andriyani in Bekasi

    Mother Putranti book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated June 10, 2013.

    Nabila Khairunnisah Novianto

    Born May 9, 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Yayuk Danila in Palembang

    Mother Yayuk book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated July 19, 2013.

    Treasure Wilentya Pande Putu Siwi

    Born 17 September 2014

    Daughter of Mrs. Ni Made Goddess Desiani in Denpasar

    Ni Made Mother Goddess book QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT dated June 19, 2013.

    Name Your Baby:

    Date of Birth Your Baby:

    Your Name:


And many babies adek photo submissions of the Mother of the other.
We are sorry for not being able to upload them all here.

"Keep in mind that a woman's fertility decreases with age.

Immediately run the program targeted and efficient pregnant with FAST PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT.

Do not delay it again. Age chasing you. "


Only Rp 159,000

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: true if the package does not arrive within 14 working days.

"The presence of a tiny baby you dream
can not be valued in money.

Do the best effort for the sake of his presence. "
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"Sorry, Doc. But I Worry It Fraud .."

My site has been my lauching since August 1, 2011. But if you are still worried about this scam, then you can browse my name on the Internet. Please type my name in Google, there are thousands of sites that discuss health positive things about me and my book. You can also find my videos on Youtube. Just type my name on Youtube.

PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE been advised by national media including Kompas, Tabloid Nova, Star tabloid, The Jakarta Post, Media Indonesia, Republika, Jawa Pos and some local media throughout Indonesia.

PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE Library is published by DiGi since 2011. You can find more information about publishing DiGi Reader or other subsidiaries namely DiGi Medical.

"Doc, I Do not Understand How to Transfer Money Via ATM or Internet Banking. How Can I Buy PACK FAST PREGNANT?"

If you have not been able to transfer the cost of purchasing PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT FAST via ATM or internet banking, no problem. You simply go to the nearest BCA bank and transfer there to bring me complete data account number.

You will be guided by a bank officer in the transfer process.

Account number I will get after filling ORDER FORM.

"Doc, May Dong price Discount Again? :)"

Yeah can :) If you order today, then you will get SPECIAL PRICE only $ 159,000. You've been saving Rp 78,000 from the actual price of Rp 237,000.

Prices may change at any time (mainly price Folic Acid and the price of paper books unstable). Bonus coupon shopping discounts at Zalora also very limited in number.

Do not forget, the price of this PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE includes private consultation with me via email.

In shaa Allah, SPECIAL PRICE you get when ordering today the numbers are very low when compared to the benefits you will gain.

"Doc, How Filling ORDER FORM If I'm Not Have an Email?"

Do not matter. If you do not have email, just enter your email address in the form: the last four numbers of your mobile phone number @ tipshamil.com

Example: 8926@tipshamil.com

"Doc, Is This Price Includes Shipping?"

Yet, this price does not include postage. Postage costs will vary depending on location.

After you fill out ORDER FORM, my assistant will send SMS to you and also give information about how the cost of shipping.

"Doc, What PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE Ensure It Will Be Pregnant?"

As a man who believes in God, of course, we all believe that it is only God who gives the pregnancy. Even the expensive treatment in the best hospitals could not provide a guarantee of pregnancy. Human obligation is trying to best effort that can be done. To assist that effort, you need this PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE.

By using QUICK PACKAGE FOR PREGNANT (regularly consume Folic Acidnya, do tips in the book, etc) then I can guarantee that you will get pregnant chances considerably increased and pregnant program you will run more efficiently as well as directed.

Be aware that you only have a chance of a pregnant 12 times a year. So, you should not waste your time with programs that are not targeted pregnant.

"What Should Take Folic Acid husband also?"

For maximum results, the answer is yes. Folic Acid is a supplement of vitamin B9 which function to strengthen the egg and the husband to help improve the quantity and quality of sperm. So nice to her husband as well. It often happens couples physically healthy but weak egg cell. Or the quantity / quality of the husband's sperm were still not good.

"What Side Effects of Folic Acid, Doc?"

Basically Folic Acid is a vitamin that has no side effects for consumption as the dose of 400 mcg (one tablet a day).

"When Taking Folic Acid good thing?"

Folic Acid can be consumed at any time in the day and night. Can be morning, afternoon or evening.

"Then Again Haid, Does Folic Acidnya Also Drunk?"

To maximize pregnant program, Folic Acid remains consumed during menstrual periods due to the intake of Folic Acid from foods is often not enough.

"Is Folic Acid May Combined With Drugs Fertilising From Obstetrician?"

Folic Acid can be combined with other supplements or medications fertility of obstetricians, for it implies not Folic Acid supplements as well. Dose Folic Acid is recommended for pregnant program is 400 mcg / day. So just make sure you do not consume two types of supplements Folic Acid simultaneously.

"What If It Pregnancy Folic Advanced Acidnya, Doc?"

Yes. Because the vitamin content is very essential for the fetus. Even highly recommended for pregnancy. Its function in pregnant women is to prevent fetal defects.

"Do Tips-Tips In This Book Easy Practiced?"

The tips in this book easily practiced by anyone. The types of foods and beverages that I recommend are also easily found and processed.

All you need is certainly a strong will to practice on a regular basis and in accordance with what I suggest in the book.

"Is There Money Back Guarantee, Doc?"

I guarantee your refund within 14 working days, if you PREGNANT FAST PACKAGE yet to reach the destination. Of course, with regard proof of delivery receipt from the courier (JNE and POS).

If it is proven that the courier has not been delivering a package to your address within 14 working days, then my assistant (Ms. Farah) will contact you to ask for the account number and then transfer your money back.

"How Long Delivery The packet, Doc?"

For the average delivery takes up to 4 working days. For the eastern region of Indonesia such as Papua, the maximum can be up to 6 working days.

Delivery speed depends on several factors, such as the location (if accessible vehicles), bad weather (delayed flight), natural disasters (especially flooding) or dense flurry of service delivery at the feast.

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1 Response to "Easy Way How to get pregnant fast"

  1. Myself and my husband had been trying to get pregnant for 18 months before I was referred to Native Iyabasira fertility solution. We had no definite diagnosis of what was wrong and had become very frustrated. In November 2015 I was given a thorough reproductive health work up, I found out I had low progesterone, thyroid issues and a stomach issue which was affecting my ability to get pregant. This was a very thorough process involving dietary, hormonal and physical investigations and started the recommended treatments in Feb 16 2016. I was pregnant by april 16. I had a baby boy in march 2017. I was carefully monitored and mother Iyabasira was always available for me. I can recommend native iyabasira more highly so much so we are hoping to start trying for a second baby under her guidance.
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