10 Benefits of Quitting Smoking For Face Beauty

This Is Why You Should Smoke Now
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10 Benefits of Quitting Smoking For Face Beauty - As we all know that the name "smoke" has a negative impact on health. So far, the much-heralded is smoking resulted in such diseases as heart disease, lung cancer and many more. But do you know that smoking was also adversely affect the aesthetics out like skin beauty.
"Smoking causes damage to the hair and skin that makes you much older than their actual age. Blocking skin get enough oxygen and nutrients, "says dermatologist of Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, dr. Nipun Jain.
Well, if you have a serious intention to quit smoking, please consult with your doctor to achieve this. In the meantime, please read the first article 10 benefits of quitting smoking for skin beauty and maybe this article can increase your motivation to quit smoking immediately.
Prevent Wrinkles
One of the best benefits of quitting smoking are wrinkle prevention. Surely quit smoking does not necessarily stop all the wrinkles because it is a natural part of aging. However, smoking can accelerate the development of wrinkles and wrinkles deepen existing ones. This is due to two factors: The first is caused by the chemicals in cigarettes that affect the elasticity of your skin. The second is that the repetitive motions of smoking creates wrinkles around the mouth and nose.
Preventing lips blackened
The most common problem of smoking is menghitamnya lips. Smoking hot that attaches directly to the lips so the main reason smokers cause black lips. In addition, reduced blood circulation in the skin of the lips is also a factor supporting the black lips. By not smoking is certainly an opportunity to get a natural rosy lips will become a reality.
Old spots On Face
Black spots on the face that is often referred to as "age spots" are often due to exposure to direct sunlight. However, research shows that people who smoke are more susceptible to this type of damage than those who do not. That's because the chemicals in cigarettes change your skin, so unhealthy and difficult to combat this problem. You can cover age spots with make-up, but you will feel much better if you do not add premature aging factors with smoking.
Improve Skin Conditions (spasticity)
In the first process the cigarettes, the human body to consume 35 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a vitamin unstable and easily degraded. Adequacy of vitamin C found only body of food consumption, this vitamin can not be produced by the body. One of the functions of vitamin C adalah mempertahankan mutu dan keutuhan jalinan serat kolagen kulit . Kolagen adalah serat-serat protein kulit yang menentukan tampilan kulit mulus , kencang dan awet muda . Berkurangnya vitamin C, membuat jalinan-jalinan serat kolagen terburai sehingga membuat gambaran kerutan prematur di beberapa tempat khas seperti di sudut mata dan di sekitar mulut .
Lowering the Risk of Skin Cancer
Research shows that smoking is associated with an increased risk of some types of skin cancer. There is nothing beautiful about the scar biopsy or crusty sores on your skin, right? Plus, skin cancer can also cause death . Not to mention that the risk of lung cancer is also increased for people who smoke.
Reduce Odor Oral Dull
You may have heard that drinking tea, coffee or soda can cause yellowing of teeth. Well, cigarettes also pose the same risks. Nicotine contributes to yellowing teeth and bad breath odor. Fortunately, experts say that once you stop smoking, the risk of bad breath and dull teeth will also be reduced
Repair Skin Lightening
When you smoke, toxic substances sort of carbon monoxide, nicotine and ammonia as well as several other gasracun in smaller quantities will participate and subsequently sucked into the blood circulation. Nikotinyang absorbed into the circulation will trigger the plaques on the walls of blood vessels, thus minimizing lebarkaliber capillary vessels including capillaries smooth flowing into the skin tissue.
Meanwhile, in the hemoglobin blood circulation will be more inclined to bind carbon monoxide 200x more kuatdibandingkan it binds oxygen, so that the carbon monoxide levels in the blood are increasingly lebihtinggi than oxygen levels and tissue cells (including skin tissue) will 'tersengal- Gout 'because kekuranganoksigen for life. Low oxygen levels in the blood makes 'request' oxygen (oxygen demand) cells and tissues so that the higher the brain would regulate the response in the form of shrinking the size of the blood vessels (vasoconstriction) in order to speed the delivery of oxygen to the cells and tissues become faster.
Both of the above (capillary vessels is reduced caliber smooth skin due to plaque and shrink in size) plus the amount of blood flow to the blood and the skin is starved of oxygen, resulting in kulitkehilangan color hue becomes pale and less fresh. The presence of hemoglobin bound with carbon monoxide in the blood dalamsirkulasi aggravate skin to skin becomes darker picture slightly yellowish (yellowish gray).
In addition to changes in hue and color, skin smokers usually drier than normal skin. It inidiakibatkan hot smoke that is released when the cigarette then in contact with the skin, especially the skin.
Prevent Hair Loss
Smoking can accelerate hair thinning in men and women. Cause, smoking will clog the arteries in charge sends nutrients throughout the body. Including to the scalp. As a result, the body does not get the nutrients properly so that hair growth was inhibited.
Prevent Acne and Boils
Smokers tend to acne all over your face. It was caused by toxins and nicotine contained in cigarettes. Cigarette smoke also damage the skin texture. Acne and blockages in other areas such as the armpits, under the breasts, and neck can also appear.
Accelerates Wound Healing Process
Smoking slows down blood supply. Because the blood supply to the skin are blocked, the oxygen supply was reduced. Lack of nutrients and oxygen, automatic inhibit the growth of skin. So, if there is a wound in the skin, healing will be slowed. It is likely to increase the risk of infection, and blood clotting problems of skin tissue damage.

10 benefits of quitting smoking
poison nicotine in cigarettes damage the face
smokers susceptible to lack of oxygen
smoking cause for lips
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